At Scientology protest, March 13, 1995.

Here's another photo of me.

And here's a more recent one (1998).

I'm a skeptic, director of information security operations, and philosopher, probably in that order. I came within a dissertation's breadth of a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Arizona, but quit work on my dissertation (on the epistemology of testimony--regarding our reliance and irreducible dependence on others for much of what we know or purport to know) to move to Phoenix and begin working for Primenet in July 1994. I did this because of my desire to be involved with something more popular and practical than academic philosophy. I'm definitely having more fun, though I do miss having more free time to devote to purely intellectual pursuits.

In September 1996 I left Primenet to take a position in the R&D department at Genuity, Inc., where my job was to play with toys and figure out ways to integrate new products and services into the company's Internet business. I helped design and implement Genuity's "Hopscotch" product (which received U.S. Patent #6,185,619 on February 6, 2001 and #8,683,075 on March 25, 2014).

In February 1997 I returned to Primenet (now GlobalCenter) to head a new department dealing with Internet security and abuse issues. In February 1998 I was awarded a golden mallet for fighting spam. (I had previously been selected "Postmaster of the Year" for 1995 by Tifa Networks Inc.) (March 1998: GlobalCenter became Frontier GlobalCenter. September 1999: Frontier merged with Global Crossing. Frontier GlobalCenter became GlobalCenter, Inc., A Global Crossing Company. Global Crossing was ultimately acquired by Level 3, which was acquired by CenturyLink, now Lumen.) I've also been inducted into the pantheon of active anti-spam warriors.

In July 2000 my department moved from GlobalCenter to Global Crossing.

Prior to my time in graduate school, I was a Multics developer at Honeywell in Phoenix (1983-1988). I did a complete rewrite of the interactive message facility, fixed lots of bugs in applications and a few in the "hardcore," and helped with the testing required for Multics' B2 security certification.

I was a supporter of and was the Internet Representative for Skeptic magazine before the publisher started advocating for alt-right and "intellectual dark web" causes.

My career as a skeptic began as a critic of religion and the paranormal (see my publications list), but quickly expanded to include politics as well. I used to describe myself as a libertarian (small-l) and/or an anarchist, but now prefer just plain "skeptic." I am skeptical of everybody's utopian schemes, though I am most favorably disposed to anarchist, extropian, and libertarian views. (See my miscellaneous links for some extropian web pages.) I am now also a sometime critic of organized skepticism itself, or at least of the more dogmatic pronouncements of its members. When skeptics emulate the argumentative techniques of those they criticize, something is wrong.

Various Interests